March 7, 2008

1. KY: West Buechel ok’s new private security contract
2. VA: Congressman calls for halt of Dulles Greenway toll increase
3. CA: Tollway veto means another project must be substituted, planners say
4. VA: Study of port privatization gets legislative ok

News Summaries
1. KY: West Buechel oks’ new private security contract
West Buechel, which disbanded its police force a year ago to save
money, has renewed its security contract with United Police and
Security Services, according to the Louisville Courier-Journal.
The new contract will pay United about $450,000 a year, a $100,000
increase more than the current raise from the previous contract City
Councilwoman Brenda Kay Moore, who voted against renewing the package,
pointed out that the total cost for the West Buechel police force in
2006, it’s last full year, was $431,000 — which is less than the
2. VA: Congressman calls for halt of Dulles Greenway toll increase
Congressman Frank Wolf is urging Virginia lawmakers to freeze the cost
of Dulles Greenway tolls, which are set to gradually increase by 60
percent through 2012, reports the Washington Examiner.
Wolf says toll increases on the 14-mile highway that runs between
Leesburg and Dulles Airport is beginning to force people off the road
and into area neighborhoods. The commission says Virginia law required
the increase so that the toll road’s owners could make a profit. Wolf
wants lawmakers to give the commission more leeway to reject toll
3. CA: Tollway veto means another project must be substituted, planners say
The apparent demise of a toll road through San Onofre State Beach could
have a domino effect on funding for other Southern California
transportation projects, a regional planning authority said this week,
according to the Los Angeles Times.
4. VA: Study of port privatization gets legislative ok
The Virginia General Assembly this week approved forming a subcommittee
to look at privatizing the state’s three marine terminals in Hampton
Roads. Though the state-controlled Virginia Port Authority uses a
subsidiary to operate its Norfolk, Portsmouth and Newport News
terminals, private entities are investing in marine terminals elsewhere
to capitalize on growing international trade, reports The Virginian-Pilot.
Upcoming Events
Discussion. The Georgetown University Law Center
holds a discussion on "Accountability of Private Security
Contractors." March 11, 2008, 6 pm. Georgetown University Law
Center, 120 F Street NW, Gewirz Student Center, 12th Floor, Washington,
D.C. Contact: 202-662-9519 [Note: Media should RSVP]

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